Please note: this event has already passed.
Orielenses and their guests are warmly invited to a dinner in Berlin, to coincide with the University visit to the British Embassy. Join us from 8.45pm on Thursday, 7 July for a dinner hosted by Orielensis Sarah Kiefer (2003) and our new Deputy Development Director James Fletcher. The dinner will be held at Nante-Eck, a restaurant close to the Embassy, and will be pay your own way.
Chancellor, Lord Patten of Barnes, and outgoing Vice-Chancellor, Professor Louise Richardson will be in attendance and the Vice-Chancellor will be making a short address.
As a reminder the University will be hosting a special reception for alumni with the Chancellor, The Rt Hon the Lord Patten of Barnes, CH and outgoing Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dame Louise Richardson at the British Embassy in Berlin.
If you have any questions please contact us on