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Over 1,000 Orielenses Help Break a New Record

The funds raised will make a difference to students while also enabling a range of projects and initiatives such as:

  • expanding the College’s student support offering for those facing financial difficulties
  • renovating the Senior Library, including the restoration of books alongside the creation of an accessible resource for academics
  • securing another year of the Ukrainian Graduate Scholarship.

Oriel’s first Giving Day, held at the end of May, provided an opportunity for our community to celebrate Oriel’s unique qualities. The outpouring of warmth and support was remarkable, with donors coming from all six inhabited continents.

“As we celebrate the fantastic milestone of over 1,000 donors in a single year to Oriel, we want to convey our deepest gratitude to our donor community. Thank you. Gifts of all sizes have a direct and positive impact.

“At such a financially difficult time for many, your generosity has made a tremendous difference to the lives of our students. There is still much work to do.”

Director of Development and Alumni Engagement Marco Zhang
If you would like to support Oriel today, you can visit our donation page.