Professor Simon French (1969, Mathematics, Hayward Junior Research Fellow 1974-1976) has been awarded the 2022 Gold Medal of the International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making.
The medal is the highest honour of the Society bestowed upon ‘a scholar who, over a distinguished career, has markedly contributed to the theory, methodology, practice and professional development of Multiple Criteria Decision Making’.
In 2017 the Decision Analysis Society of INFORMS awarded him the Ramsey Medal which recognises distinguished contributions to decision analysis. Simon is the fourth person to be awarded both medals.
Over his career, Simon made several theoretical developments in decision and risk analysis, particularly in the use of expert judgement.
He worked with many UK and international bodies and organisations such as the Food Standards Agency, the Department of Health, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Now retired, Simon lives in Somerset.