For International Women’s Day 2024, at 5.45 pm on Friday 8 March the Oriel Women’s Network are holding a panel discussion with current student Lia Yeh and alumnae Amanda Storey (2001) and Sian Cox-Brooker (2012).
The event is free-to-attend and all students, staff and alumnae are invited and allowed to bring guests.
The panel is to be chaired by College Lecturer in Computer Science Dr Irina Voiculescu, and after the discussion attendees will have an opportunity to chat to the panellists at a complimentary drinks reception.
Lia Yeh began her DPhil in Computer Science as a Clarendon and Basil Reeve Scholar at Oriel College in 2020 and is working in the field of quantum computing with the Quantum Group in the Department of Computer Science. In 2023 we reported that she had received a Google PhD Fellowship.
Formerly a bachelor’s in Experimental Psychology student, Amanda Storey is a senior director at Google’s Trust and Safety team and responsible for ensuring its regulatory compliance.
Meanwhile Sian Cox-Brooker is the news programme lead of the Product Content Operations team at Meta. She studied a master’s in Women’s Studies during her time at Oriel and is currently working on the international launch of Threads and Meta’s AI proposals.
Established in 2020, the Oriel Women’s Network held its first in-person event since then in 2023. This year’s event follows that event’s popularity.
Over 60 alumnae along with guests and current students listened to talks by Lady Mendoza, current JCR Women’s Officer Eva Hogan and alumna Fiona Lovatt (1991).
Fiona, who is a member of the network’s steering committee, has said previously that she feels “proud of all that women at Oriel have achieved” and is looking forward to celebrating 40 years of women being admitted to the college in 2025.
At this year’s event, Lia, Amanda and Sian are expected to discuss AI and also their experiences of working in a male-dominated tech industry.
Click here to find out more about the panellists and register attendance.